Brugge, the city of bridges.
Here is a sculptor selling his wares – ceramic statues of the various professions in Belgium.
The cathedral in the city centre was being renovated. Large wooden panels were put up to cordon off the front area of the building, so the prayer area was sizably smaller. The most interesting part of this church was the bell tower. There was a small coin operated machine on the wall that was marked 0€50, so I inserted a coin and was treated to the illumination of inside of the bell tower. Check out the pic!
This is a very interesting fountain in the centre of town, though all of the plaques were engraved in Dutch so I couldn’t follow the story.
One of the mermaids in the fountain with interesting features.
A trip to Belgium would not have been complete without a degustation of the local cuisine. I am, of course, speaking of Frites with Mayonnaise. Pretty good, but not really that healthy. We drank Jupiler beer with it, it was a really nice drop.
Apparently, in Belgium and probably a few other countries such as Germany and Czech Republic, the law permits only four ingredients in the making of beer: Water, Barley, Hops and Yeast. This makes for a more natural and better tasting beer.
This is a tower in one of the squares. Not sure of its significance.
He we can admire the architecture, looks gothic, French inspired perhaps with influences from the Dutch?
A group of dwarves and their Snow White on their Buck’s night, I assume.
You can very easily get around Brugge in a horse-drawn cart. Very special!
Horses even have special fountains just for them!
The otherside of this canal is one of the most photographed sites in Brugge. I settled with the view from this side, I think it is still very nice.
Pun and I went on a canal cruise, where we saw lots of the city and learnt quite a bit about the history.
Low headroom ahead, duck!
Most of the houses along the canals are beautiful like this.
386 metres tall!
Belgian beers! I chose the beer with the highest percentage, it’s a money saving mechanism for me!
For dinner, we wanted to try something typically Belgian. So Pun got a grilled salmon fillet and I got a Flemish stew.
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