The Longest Night Out In Koh Phi Phi
One word: epic! Its a misused and abused word to describe mediocre things to make them appear more interesting. However, I am claiming contextual and correct usage here, because simply: epic.
Hungover AF from the night before, I slept until midday. Still nursing myself back to health, I checked out of the hostel and checked into my private room in the sister hotel across the road (same owner, same name). Somehow, all the standard rooms (one of which I had booked) were booked out – they upgraded me to the lush AF villa for freeeeeeeeee. Of course, I just wanted to stay there all day and all night – but I was tempted out into the world by the savour of local noodles.
They had dropped in some chicken feet as an extra treat because she was a regular customer.
Richelle and I had a bowl of plain ol’ chicken noodle soup, quite possibly the best on the island, but not the best in Thailand. For 50 baht, any bowl of noodles would have hit the spot, but these were especially tasty. She told me a story that once they had dropped in some chicken feet as an extra treat because she was a regular customer – yummo…
I went back to the villa after lunch for a lie down, much needed in the wake of the previous night’s shenanigans. A skype call with Ross in the evening brought me back to life, which was followed by a text from the girls telling me to hurry up to dinner. I met them in the arcade for some sweet, sweet Thai food.
Relax Bar, the predictable start to any night out in Phi Phi.
Still feeling rather dusty, a beer was in order. The bubbles helped to settle my stomach and that really was the beginning of the end.
A few drinks with dinner was enough to get me in party-mode and away we went to Relax Bar, the predictable start to any night out in Phi Phi. A few drinks there and it was off to Kongsiam Bar for some live band and karaoke action.
We got up on stage and danced, sang our lungs out into the microphone, brought all the solo travellers into our group (who just bloody well happened to be aussies, right) and drank the night away. As the band broke away into their slower ballads, it was Gracie and I left out of all the girls. She pulled me all the way to the beach to meet a boy named Josh, whose name I did shout quite loudly, embarassing the poor girl. I dragged her back to the live bar, but we ended up back at the beach.
I whipped out some Disney tunes and some lovely girls joined the chorus.
A bit random, but I whipped out some Disney tunes and some lovely girls joined the chorus. We all merrily made our way back to the beach bar to continue our merriment and laughter. Jeez, that was fun!
Hours passed, Gracie got up to leave and I went to escort her home. Thank god I did, because as she stood up, a creepy guy with shells tied into his dreadlocks also got up. He walked ahead of us and we fell back a pace or two to let him go on ahead.
That was enough for me to judge his character as suspicious.
To make sure that the coast was clear, we ran into the hostel alcove and hid there for a few minutes. Creepy guy double-backed and checked into the alcove for us, several times. He walked past once, then twice then several times more. That was enough for me to judge his character as suspicious.
For 50 baht, I had all the chicken butts I could wrap my lips around.
I said to Gracie, let’s just hang out at my place for a bit – the hoteliers were being annoying, so we walked along the beach, the long way, back to her place. There was a street food vendor selling fried chicken pieces, my god it was too good to resist. For 50 baht, I had all the chicken butts I could wrap my lips around. Hell yeah!
At this point, I was certain we had evaded the creepy guy – surely he would not have followed us along the beach? As an added insurance to myself, I randomly asked a couple we bumped into to walk with us – the best couple ever, they happily obliged and joined us on our adventure.
I distracted the guys with generous offerings of my fried chicken butts.
Along the way, we met two guys who had just found a large frog. In fear for the poor creature, I distracted the guys with generous offerings of my fried chicken butts – it was enough to avert their gaze from the slimy amphibian. Onward we continued to Gracie’s house.
Around the bend and up the junction, we arrived at the staircase leading to her house. In our gaiety, we forgot how loud we were speaking to each other, unwittingly waking up the locals. The gentleman who came out to reprimand us was very kind in his delivery – the gentle confrontation was enough for us to feel guilty for our misbehaviour and call it a night. Gracie was home safe, mission accomplished.
But did the adventure stop there? No way.
The couple, who hail from Brunei, Koo and Fidah, were super keen to have beers on the beach. I said “Let’s go, its only 11PM“. They reassured me that it was not 11PM, but actually 4AM in the morning. I was flabberghasted. Truly.
We swung by the convenience store, where we found the two frog guys again. They, too, joined us on the adventure that would continue well into the daylight. We walked aimlessly around, beers in hand. Beach, tsunami evacuation point, beach, convenience store for more beers, then again, back to the beach.
We laughed for hours, passing around a jay. In a circle in the sand we sat telling stories, sharing our lives. The sky was dark, coming into twilight, the tide came in and before we knew it we were sitting in broad daylight. The moment came so quick it was as if we had been sitting in the sun the entire time!
To the bar we went for breakfast beers. I ordered a spicy pad kee mao, quite possibly the spiciest I have ordered in Thailand. I wanted a coconut mango shake so badly, but the fridge with the coconut milk had been padlocked and was not to be opened before 9AM (house rules).
As I sobered up, I realised quickly that today was the day I was going to Koh Lanta. I realised quickly that I needed to check out of my lush villa apartment. I had only a few hours before the boat departed, so I took advantage of the few hours I had left to enjoy my accomodation.
What was the longest night ever, was also the best night ever.
Let’s make a night you won’t remember, I’ll be the one you won’t forget.
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