Un examen au restaurant du CFA et un beau coiffure
An exam in the restaurant and a beau hairstyle
highlights: Lunch at the restaurant; Giving the waiter a hard time; Making myself look like a raging alcoholic (Please put vodka in my juice!); Haircut by some first year apprentices; Un beau coiffure.
C’était le jour d’un examen pour des serveurs, on était invités pour déjeuner. Vincent et moi sommes allés au restaurant à midi, il y avait quelques éléves qui y étaient aussi pour manger.
It was exam day for some of the waiter and waitresses, we were invited to have lunch and participate. Vincent and I went to the restaurant at midday, there were also some other students who were there to have lunch.
Le serveur s’appelle Jeremy, il était parisien. Il nous a présenté le menu et nous a offert des apéritifs : un jus des fruits (sans alcool) et un cocktail avec vodka et curaçao. J’ai commandé un cocktail, mais c’était un peu trop amer. Je lui ai demandé s’il pouvait le refaire à nouveau, il est retourné avec un verre de jus (sans alcool). Encore, je lui ai demandé s’il pouvait ajouter de la vodka. Le professeur venait pour nous rappeler que c’était un examen et de ne pas être trop difficle pour Jeremy.
Our waiter, Jeremy, was parisian. He presented us the menu and offered apéritives : a fruit juice (non-alcoholic) and a cocktail with vodka and curaçao. I ordered a cocktail, but it was a bit bitter. I asked him if he could make a new one, he came back with just a fruit juice (without alcohol). Again, I asked if he could add vodka. The teacher came to remind us that it was an exam and not to make it too difficult for Jeremy.
Le service était trop bien, on est tous les deux satisfait complètement.
The service was impeccable, we were both satisfied completely.
- Entrée/Entree : terrine de poisson / Fish terrine
- Plat/Main : bœuf grillé saignant, pommes de terres et forestière poêlé / Grilled beef served medium-rare with potatoes and pan-fried mushrooms
- Dessert/Dessert : choux chantilly / Choux pastry with whipped-cream
- Assiette de fromage/Cheese Platter : brie, st nectare, cantal
À 14h00, j’ai prévu d’aller chez coiffeurs pour avoir un coupe de cheveux. La fille qui a fait le coupage était très sympa. Elle m’a laver les cheveux et je lui ai dit « Tu pourrais être un masseuse ». Le professeur l’a guidé pour commencer le coupage comme c’était une contrôle. Les autres dans la classe ont aussi regardé pour apprendre. En fait, c’était une classe de première année.
At 2PM, I planned to go to the hairdressers to get a cut. The student who cut my hair was really nice. She washed my hair and I told her that “You could easily be a masseuse as well”. The professor instructed her on how to start the cut, as if it were an exam. The other students in the class also watched. This was a class of first year trainees.
At 2PM, I planned to go to the hairdressers to get a cut. The student who cut my hair was really nice. She washed my hair and I told her that “You could easily be a masseuse as well”. The professor instructed her on how to start the cut, as if it were an exam. The other students in the class also watched. This was a class of first year trainees.

Elle a terminé le coupage et m’a coiffé avec du gel. Je me suis regardé dans la miroir et j’était surpris à la grande différence par rapport qu’avant le coupage. Merci pour le beau coiffure !
After finishing the cut, she went in for the style using gel. I looked at myself in the mirror and was very surprised to see the difference a haircut could make. Thank you for the sexy hairstyle!
After finishing the cut, she went in for the style using gel. I looked at myself in the mirror and was very surprised to see the difference a haircut could make. Thank you for the sexy hairstyle!
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